





CNU’s Makerspace




嘉藥創客基地 (CNU’s Makerspace) 建置於2019年,內含創客講堂、創客工坊、創業諮詢室、創客迴廊及技轉洽談室,為深化產學合作創新創業機制,提供大學青年一個實踐夢想的創業實驗場域,結合台南市各公協會、創育聯盟及本校進駐廠商資源,期以產學合作為基礎,適時利用微型創業的彈性及育成協助,提升大專生創業機會,並激發產學合作計畫能量及提升校園創新創業文化。藉由本基地充分發揮組織分工與整合功能,培育青年成為社會改革創新的領航者,持續協助青年創業夢想起飛,將創業文化在校園穩定萌芽生根。



  1. 「創客講堂」,圍繞著創新、創意、創業主軸,開辦多元講座及專業課程,促使團隊互動學習,發展商業模式。
  2. 「創客工坊」提供自由開放的氛圍空間,讓學生盡情的創意發想、創意分享,腦力激盪
  3. 「創業諮詢室」提供一對一現場診斷輔導,有效解決新創事業面臨之經營難題,提升創業的成功機率。
  4. 「創客迴廊」係匯集師生創意作品、試量產創新成果、進駐企業各式產品及各式主題展,展示校內外創新、創業能量。
  5. 「技轉洽談室」提供專利媒合洽談空間,透過育成加值服務,替專利擁有者尋求專利需求者,促成專利商品化。
  6. 藉由創客基地多元資源,共同營造出親產學之企業發展環境,運用育成/產學/技轉三大構面發展執行各式培育策略,將校內培育資源發揮至最大化。



Makerspace Construction

CNU’s Makerspace was constructed early in 2019, including Makers’ Talk Room, Makers’ Workshop, Startup Consultation Room, Makers’ Corridor and Tech. Transfer Consultation Room. These serve to deepen the mechanism of innovation and startup in industry-university cooperation and provide an experimental field to university youth for the realization of their creative ideas. In addition, future events will be combined with the guilds of Tainan City, the innovation alliance, and the CNU-incubated companies. It’s expected that, based on both the industry-university cooperation and timely assistance of micro-entrepreneurship and IIC (Innovation and Incubation Center) at CNU, the startup opportunities of college students can be enhanced, the energy of industry-university cooperation projects can be boosted, and the innovation and entrepreneurship culture can be cultivated in the campus of CNU. Hopefully, through this CNU’s base of Makerspace, the university youth are able to fulfill their creative dreams and become the future leaders of social reform and innovation, helping root-deepen the spirit of the entrepreneurial culture in the campus.


Makerspace’s Features

  1. Makers’ Talk Room” is the place for the ideas-sharing of innovation, creativity, entrepreneurship, and for the lecturing of professional courses to promote team’s interactive learning and to develop business models.
  2. Makers’ Workshop” provides a free and open atmosphere, allowing students to share their creative thoughts heartily and ideas brainstorming.
  3. Startup Consultation Room” provides one-on-one on-site diagnostic counseling to the new entrepreneurs for solving the encountered operational problems and thus enhancing the probability of business success.
  4. Makers’ Corridor” is a good place for the exhibition of creative works by the faculty and students, for the demonstration of trial production products, and for the presentation of various products produced by the CNU-incubated companies.
  5. Tech. Transfer Consultation Room” provides a consultation space for the matching between potential buyers of intellectual patents and IP holders, and possible IP commercialization.
  6. Through the multi-resources and functions of this Makerspace, the CNU will jointly create a business development environment for pro industry-university. Also, by using three major aspects of business incubation, industry-university cooperation, and tech. transfer, various cultivation strategies can be implemented to maximize the advantages of the resources available in the campus of CNU.

地址:71710 台南市仁德區二仁路一段60號 

電話:(06)2664911 #7200,(06)2663230
